Sleep Apnea

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Leesa G.

You May Not Know If You Have Sleep Apnea

Does your significant other say that you snore heavily, only to stop breathing suddenly throughout the night? Are you often sleepy during the day and never feel truly rested, despite getting a full night’s sleep? These could be signs of sleep apnea, a disorder during which your breathing pauses or becomes very shallow multiple times throughout the night due to obstruction in your airway.

health centered dentistry midland tx services sleep apnea

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What’s the Deal with Sleep Apnea?

Many people don’t know that they have sleep apnea, and therefore think it is harmless, but the disorder can cause low blood oxygen levels and even a severe form of congestive heart failure. New discoveries in technology show that modern dental appliances can not only ease the symptoms of sleep apnea, but ensure a full night’s sleep and a longer, healthier life.

Sleep Apnea Treatments

The gold standard therapy for sleep apnea is wearing a C-PAP machine, but many people are intolerant to wearing the bulky device. Studies show that sufferers with mild to moderate sleep apnea can benefit just as well from an oral appliance. An oral appliance is also prescribed when a severe sleep apnea sufferer refuses to wear a C-PAP.

Here at our Midland Texas dentist office, we make sure to submit all treatment and testing to your medical and dental insurance, which are increasingly helping with the costs. Some of our patients do choose to pay for tests or treatment out-of-pocket so as to avoid the raising of insurance premiums, because of the spike in testing done for sleep apnea. Whichever method you chose, we will file all necessary paperwork so that you get the best benefit available to you.

If you need help paying for treatment, we have flexible financing options available to help you get the care you need.

If you have any questions about general dentistry or are ready to schedule a visit with your Midland dentist, Our Team at Health Centered Dentistry in Midland, TX, give us a call today at 432.218.4389 or schedule online!
Our location: 3209 Courtyard Dr. Suite D Midland, TX 79705.